Startup Essentials: Hire the right kind of people (and fire the wrong ones)

Jason / Michael and bunch of other folks have been talking about kind of culture startups should have, to be able to save every penny and march towards success.

As we all know people are the the most fundamental ingredients for every startup and everything else is the function of the kind of people you have.

Based on my experiences, one of the biggest and sustainable cost/time saving can come from hiring the right kind of people (or firing the wrong ones).

Within a team (or the company) there are two types of goals:

  • Team goals
  • Personal goals

There are bound to be times when team goals and personal goals will conflict. You want to have people who will 90% of the time go with team goals. Get these people and keep them (no matter what it takes).If you have people who are always picking personal goals over the team goals, spot them, provide them the feedback , if they dont shape up – FIRE THEM.